Nexvet Biopharma plc (NVET) Receiving Somewhat Favorable News Coverage, Report Shows

Media headlines about Nexvet Biopharma plc (NASDAQ:NVET) have trended somewhat positive recently, Alpha One Sentiment Analysis reports. Alpha One, a subsidiary of Accern, identifies negative and positive news coverage by analyzing more than twenty million news and blog sources in real-time. Alpha One ranks coverage of public companies on a scale of negative one to one, with scores closest to one being the most favorable. Nexvet Biopharma plc earned a daily sentiment score of 0.22 on Alpha One’s scale. Alpha One also assigned news coverage about the biopharmaceutical company an impact score of 0 out of 100, indicating that recent news coverage is extremely unlikely to have an impact on the stock’s share price in the near term.

Nexvet Biopharma plc (NASDAQ:NVET) traded down 1.94% during mid-day trading on Wednesday, reaching $4.05. 2,185 shares of the company’s stock traded hands. The company has a 50 day moving average price of $3.71 and a 200-day moving average price of $3.84. Nexvet Biopharma plc has a 12 month low of $2.61 and a 12 month high of $5.70. The stock’s market cap is $47.60 million.

Nexvet Biopharma plc (NASDAQ:NVET) last released its quarterly earnings results on Friday, February 10th. The biopharmaceutical company reported ($0.46) earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of ($0.37) by $0.09. On average, analysts anticipate that Nexvet Biopharma plc will post ($1.80) EPS for the current year.

Separately, Zacks Investment Research lowered shares of Nexvet Biopharma plc from a “buy” rating to a “hold” rating in a research report on Wednesday, January 18th.

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About Nexvet Biopharma plc

Nexvet Biopharma public limited company is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on transforming the therapeutic market for companion animals by developing and commercializing species-specific biologics. The Company’s platform technology, which it refers to as PETization, is an algorithmic approach that enables the Company to create monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) a type of biologic, that are designed to be recognized as self or native by an animal’s immune system, a property referred to as 100% species-specificity.

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